A chilling interactive map shows the huge inequality in numbers of people vaccinated across the world – amid warnings of deadly mutant strains developing as a result.

In at least 12 countries, less than one per cent of the population has received a single jab, latest data shows.

And a further 22 have less than one per cent receiving their second jab.

Experts warn that vaccine inequality could cause new variants to rip across the world, with mutant strains more likely to develop in places where fewer people have been vaccinated.

As wealthy countries power through their inoculation programs, figures show that many of the world’s poorer countries are being left behind.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has administered less than 82,000 first doses – meaning a mere 0.1 per cent of the population has been jabbed.

Haiti, South Sudan, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Madagascar, Syria and Papua New Guinea have also vaccinated less than one in 100 people with one dose, according to Our Wold in Data.

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